Diaspora & Transnational Communities

Explore the dynamic social fabrics created by diaspora and transnational communities, which are crucial for understanding global migration patterns and cultural exchanges. Their roles highlight the complexities of identity, belonging, and the impacts of globalization on local and international scales.

Diaspora & Transnational Communities

1 Conceptual Understanding of Indian Diaspora and Transnational Studies

  1. Transnationalism Globalisation and Diaspora
  2. Perspectives on Studying Indian Diaspora
  3. Longing and Belonging: The ‘In-between’ State of Indian Diaspora

2 Approaches to the Study of Indian Diaspora

  1. The Study of Indian Diaspora
  2. Studying Indian Diasporic Communities: Some Perspectives
  3. Indian Diaspora and Multiculturalism: Civilizational and Settlement Societies
  4. The Universe of Discourse: A Framework

3 Diasporic Communities of the World

  1. The Jewish Diaspora
  2. The Chinese Diaspora
  3. African Diaspora

4 Migration and Settlement of Indians Abroad

  1. Emigration: Volume and Destination
  2. Colonial Background of Indian Emigration
  3. Five Patterns of Indian Emigration

5 Indian Emigration During Colonial Rule

  1. Historical Context of Indian Emigration
  2. Abolition of Slavery
  3. Evolution of Indenture Labour Scheme
  4. Deconstruction and Reconstruction of Identity

6 Post Independence Patterns of Migration

  1. Overseas Migration: Trends and Patterns
  2. Migration in Post-Independence Period
  3. Government Policy
  4. Types of Migration Flows
  5. Processes and Patterns of Socio-Cultural Adaptation
  6. The Phenomenon of Brain Drain

7 Indians in the Carribean

  1. Three Important Phases
  2. Arrival of Indians
  3. Common Features of Immigration
  4. Experiences of the Emigrants
  5. Emergence of Indian Identity

8 Indian Diaspora in Africa

  1. Indian South Africans
  2. East African PIO
  3. PIO in Francophone Africa
  4. Indians in Mauritius
  5. Identity Issues of PIO in Africa: Indian Responses

9 Indian Diaspora in South and South East Asia

  1. Understanding Indian Diaspora
  2. Indian Diaspora in South Asia
  3. Indian Diaspora in Southeast Asia

10 Indian Diaspora in Europe

  1. Distribution of Indian Diaspora in Europe
  2. Background of Indian Diaspora in Europe
  3. Indian Diaspora in the UK: A Case Study

11 Indian Diaspora in the New World – North America

  1. Indian Diaspora in Canada
  2. Indian Diaspora in the United States
  3. Indian Diaspora Associations of North America and their Political Potential in the ‘New World’

12 Indians in Australia, New Zealand and Fiji

  1. Indians in Australia
  2. Indians in New Zealand
  3. Indians in Fiji

13 Indian Diaspora in West Asia

  1. Indians in the Gulf Region
  2. Indian Diaspora in Israel
  3. Economic Profile

14 Immigration and Emigration Policies and their Implications

  1. Evolution of Restrictive Immigration Policies
  2. Lifting of Restrictions in the New World and Antipodes
  3. Typology of Issue-based Emigration Policies in Origin Countries
  4. Policy Negotiations Affecting South Asian Migration
  5. Policy Changes in India and the World: Lessons to be Learnt

15 lndian State and Diaspora

  1. Pre-Independence Era: Legacy of Mahatma Gandhi
  2. Evolution of Nehru’s Policy
  3. Pro-Active Interest of the Indian State Towards the Diaspora

16 Socio-Cultural Linkages Between lndian Diaspora

  1. Introduction
  2. Transnational Linkages
  3. Preservation and Promotion of Socio-Cultural Linkages
  4. Organisational Linkages Between the Indian Diaspora
  5. Regional Diasporas: Global Networks

17 lndian Diaspora-Homeland Linkages

  1. Mapping the Indian Diaspora
  2. Changing Diaspora-Homeland Relations
  3. Multi-Layered Home Connections
  4. Growing Importance of Diasporas
  5. Diaspora Finance
  6. Political Connections
  7. New Policies for Mobilising Diaspora-Homeland Relations

18 lndian Diaspora in Cyberspace

  1. Defining Cyberspace
  2. Understanding Virtual Community
  3. Indian Digital Diasporas
  4. ICTs, Nationalism, Religious Diasporas
  5. South Asian Digital Diasporas – Mobile (Gadget) Generations

19 Films

  1. Bollywood and Diaspora – Consumption and Representations
  2. Diasporic Filmmakers and their Communities

20 Indian Diasporic Writing

  1. Diasporic Communities-Circumstances and Reasons for their Formation
  2. Diasporic Communities-Cultural Identity Versus Cultural Assimilation
  3. Indian Diasporic Communities – History and Evolution
  4. Diasporic Writing as a Marker of Cultural Identity
  5. Indian Diasporic Novel in Canada – a Case Study

21 Popular Perception

  1. Model Minority: Indians in America
  2. The Curry Tide: Indians in UK
  3. Inter-Racial Divide: Indians in Caribbean and Africa
  4. The Indian State’s Perception of Overseas Indians
  5. What India Thinks of the Indians Abroad

22 Identity, Nation-State and Diaspora

  1. Conceptual Clarification
  2. Globalisation: Transnational Networks and Identities
  3. Indian Diasporic Identity in the New Global World
  4. Nation States: Cross Border Identities

23 Sub-National Identities and Diaspora

  1. Factors for the Growth of Diasporic Community
  2. Factors for the Growth of Transnational Community
  3. The Indian Diaspora
  4. Indian Diaspora: The Regional Dimension

24 Globalisation, Nationalism and Transnational Communities

  1. Introduction
  2. Globalisation
  3. Ten Theses on Globalisation
  4. Nationalism
  5. Transnationalism
  6. Conclusion

Syllabus with topics linked

Diaspora & Transnational Communities

1 Conceptual Understanding of Indian Diaspora and Transnational Studies

  1. Transnationalism Globalisation and Diaspora
  2. Perspectives on Studying Indian Diaspora
  3. Longing and Belonging: The ‘In-between’ State of Indian Diaspora

2 Approaches to the Study of Indian Diaspora

  1. The Study of Indian Diaspora
  2. Studying Indian Diasporic Communities: Some Perspectives
  3. Indian Diaspora and Multiculturalism: Civilizational and Settlement Societies
  4. The Universe of Discourse: A Framework

3 Diasporic Communities of the World

  1. The Jewish Diaspora
  2. The Chinese Diaspora
  3. African Diaspora

4 Migration and Settlement of Indians Abroad

  1. Emigration: Volume and Destination
  2. Colonial Background of Indian Emigration
  3. Five Patterns of Indian Emigration

5 Indian Emigration During Colonial Rule

  1. Historical Context of Indian Emigration
  2. Abolition of Slavery
  3. Evolution of Indenture Labour Scheme
  4. Deconstruction and Reconstruction of Identity

6 Post Independence Patterns of Migration

  1. Overseas Migration: Trends and Patterns
  2. Migration in Post-Independence Period
  3. Government Policy
  4. Types of Migration Flows
  5. Processes and Patterns of Socio-Cultural Adaptation
  6. The Phenomenon of Brain Drain

7 Indians in the Carribean

  1. Three Important Phases
  2. Arrival of Indians
  3. Common Features of Immigration
  4. Experiences of the Emigrants
  5. Emergence of Indian Identity

8 Indian Diaspora in Africa

  1. Indian South Africans
  2. East African PIO
  3. PIO in Francophone Africa
  4. Indians in Mauritius
  5. Identity Issues of PIO in Africa: Indian Responses

9 Indian Diaspora in South and South East Asia

  1. Understanding Indian Diaspora
  2. Indian Diaspora in South Asia
  3. Indian Diaspora in Southeast Asia

10 Indian Diaspora in Europe

  1. Distribution of Indian Diaspora in Europe
  2. Background of Indian Diaspora in Europe
  3. Indian Diaspora in the UK: A Case Study

11 Indian Diaspora in the New World – North America

  1. Indian Diaspora in Canada
  2. Indian Diaspora in the United States
  3. Indian Diaspora Associations of North America and their Political Potential in the ‘New World’

12 Indians in Australia, New Zealand and Fiji

  1. Indians in Australia
  2. Indians in New Zealand
  3. Indians in Fiji

13 Indian Diaspora in West Asia

  1. Indians in the Gulf Region
  2. Indian Diaspora in Israel
  3. Economic Profile

14 Immigration and Emigration Policies and their Implications

  1. Evolution of Restrictive Immigration Policies
  2. Lifting of Restrictions in the New World and Antipodes
  3. Typology of Issue-based Emigration Policies in Origin Countries
  4. Policy Negotiations Affecting South Asian Migration
  5. Policy Changes in India and the World: Lessons to be Learnt

15 lndian State and Diaspora

  1. Pre-Independence Era: Legacy of Mahatma Gandhi
  2. Evolution of Nehru’s Policy
  3. Pro-Active Interest of the Indian State Towards the Diaspora

16 Socio-Cultural Linkages Between lndian Diaspora

  1. Introduction
  2. Transnational Linkages
  3. Preservation and Promotion of Socio-Cultural Linkages
  4. Organisational Linkages Between the Indian Diaspora
  5. Regional Diasporas: Global Networks

17 lndian Diaspora-Homeland Linkages

  1. Mapping the Indian Diaspora
  2. Changing Diaspora-Homeland Relations
  3. Multi-Layered Home Connections
  4. Growing Importance of Diasporas
  5. Diaspora Finance
  6. Political Connections
  7. New Policies for Mobilising Diaspora-Homeland Relations

18 lndian Diaspora in Cyberspace

  1. Defining Cyberspace
  2. Understanding Virtual Community
  3. Indian Digital Diasporas
  4. ICTs, Nationalism, Religious Diasporas
  5. South Asian Digital Diasporas – Mobile (Gadget) Generations

19 Films

  1. Bollywood and Diaspora – Consumption and Representations
  2. Diasporic Filmmakers and their Communities

20 Indian Diasporic Writing

  1. Diasporic Communities-Circumstances and Reasons for their Formation
  2. Diasporic Communities-Cultural Identity Versus Cultural Assimilation
  3. Indian Diasporic Communities – History and Evolution
  4. Diasporic Writing as a Marker of Cultural Identity
  5. Indian Diasporic Novel in Canada – a Case Study

21 Popular Perception

  1. Model Minority: Indians in America
  2. The Curry Tide: Indians in UK
  3. Inter-Racial Divide: Indians in Caribbean and Africa
  4. The Indian State’s Perception of Overseas Indians
  5. What India Thinks of the Indians Abroad

22 Identity, Nation-State and Diaspora

  1. Conceptual Clarification
  2. Globalisation: Transnational Networks and Identities
  3. Indian Diasporic Identity in the New Global World
  4. Nation States: Cross Border Identities

23 Sub-National Identities and Diaspora

  1. Factors for the Growth of Diasporic Community
  2. Factors for the Growth of Transnational Community
  3. The Indian Diaspora
  4. Indian Diaspora: The Regional Dimension

24 Globalisation, Nationalism and Transnational Communities

  1. Introduction
  2. Globalisation
  3. Ten Theses on Globalisation
  4. Nationalism
  5. Transnationalism
  6. Conclusion
The Jewish Diaspora: A Historical Overview and Its Impact

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The Colonial Roots of Indian Overseas Emigration

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The Evolution of Indian Emigration Post-Independence

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Key Phases of Indian Migration to the Caribbean

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The Arrival and Impact of Indians in the Caribbean

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